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Gender Sensitization Programme
Programme chart:
Pollution free Kerala pledge: Thara Thulaseedharan ( 1st BA History)
Welcome speech: Smt. Arya S Kumar( Gender specialist, DHEW , Kollam)
Presidential address: Smt. Hemi( Child development project officer, Kollam)
Inauguration: Dr. Jolly Bose R. ( Principal, BJM Government College, Chavara)
Felicitation: Smt. Vidya T R ( Head, Department of Statistics)
Resource person: Smt. Arathi Mohan ( Founder of LAMBDA, Secretary of Thapas – NGO for Health Care, & Public speaker)
Topic: Gender equality, gender relations.
Self Defence Training: Women Self Defence Trainers, Kerala Police.
Vote of thanks: Smt. Rajasree R. ( Assistant Professor, Department of History)
Orientation Programme for First Year UG girl students, 08/08/2023