The Department of History in BJM Govt. College, Chavara was started in 1981, from the period of its inception. UG course in History was started in 1999. The department has three teachers along with subsidiary subject teachers. As per University instructions, we are conducting choice based credit and semester system. Our sanctioned strength of students is 40 along with marginal increase and sports quota. The admission process is as per University guidelines and monitored by the University of Kerala. The students are getting quality education which will enable them to chalk out a good career. Curricular Co-curricular and extracurricular activities are offered by the department with utmost concern to the harmonious development of the personality of the students. Gifted children are given training through WWS Programme. SSP is given to backward children. The evaluation process is transparent and student’s potential is recorded through internal assessments. Through tutorial hours we are providing remedial measures to backward children and we initiate programmes to identify the personal problems of the children. The students from the department are participating in activities like NSS and NCC. The fifth and sixth semester students have to complete a project related with local history based on local narratives. A study tour is also included in the syllabus of students for getting first-hand knowledge about the places related to Kerala History. As our college is in a rural area, we are giving special emphasis for upgrading the standard of students through various remedial measures. Most of the students have very poor financial background. So maximum care is taken to alleviate their problems in a transparent manner. The department is maintaining a library useful to the students. The department organized many seminars and supported the students to conduct such ventures. Our vision is to provide maximum awareness for the students in historical consciousness, civic sense and knowledge about contemporary affairs. The students are getting proper awareness about competitive examinations held by such bodies like PSC and UPSC etc. The department is having a good and steady result in university examinations. The department participated in all the programmes organized by the college authorities. The function of the department is democratic and carried on in a transparent manner. Regular PTA meetings were arranged by the department for getting a smooth interaction with the parents. They are briefed about the academic and personal matters of the students. The department is carrying out Alumni meetings. Certain projects like coin collection and antique collection etc. is carried out with the help of the students. The department is maintaining cordial relation with the retired teachers. The department is considering this profession as a mission to carry out heavy social responsibilities