General Rules and Regulations

Identity Card

Every student of the college will be issued an identity card on enrolment, to which he/she should affix a passport size photograph. All transactions in the college will be entertained only on production of the identity card. Due care has to be taken to keep the identity card intact.


Attendance shall be marked at the beginning of each class, whether lecture, practical, composition or tutorial by the member of the staff in charge of the class. For purpose of attendance, all working days shall be counted as whole days irrespective of the number of working hours. The days that will be taken into account are those marked as working days in the College Calendar or notified by the Principal (special class will not count for extra attendance) A working day is divided into five periods each of one hour duration in general. The attendance for physical training shall be totalled separately.In the degree classes, the attendance in any part shall be totalled separately.


NB:- Students are informed that they should get 75% of attendance in each semester, and should they fall short, the deficiency will be condoned only where the Syndicate is satisfied that the absence was for reasons beyond the control of the student. Deficiency beyond 20 days will on no account, be condoned and exemption will not be granted for more than one academic year in any course of study. No student shall absent himself/herself from a class without leave. Absence without leave of part of a session shall be considered as absence for half a day. Students absenting themselves without leave for more than 10 working days will have their names removed from the rolls. They may be readmitted at the discretion of the Principal, in which case they will have to pay the re-admissionfee of `. 50 and all college fees due before they are re-admitted. A student coming to the class late without leave shall lose half a day’s attendance, unless otherwise recommended by the member of the staff in charge of that class. Application for leave should be made in the form to the Principal through the recommending authority (Tutor) by the student himself before hand, except in unavoidable and unforeseen circumstances when the application should be made on the very day of his return to the college. The Attendance and Progress Certificate for each semester shall not be granted unless the student has got three-fourth of the attendance prescribed by the college in the course for instruction and forphysical training; to the satisfaction of the authorities and his/her progress and conduct have been satisfactory.


Students who discontinue their studies can rejoin the same course after prior sanction from the Principal. After re-admission the examination can be written in continuation to the previous ones provided the scheme and the syllabus remain the same. Otherwise, all the papers will have to be attempted again.

Refer respective University Orders.
Refer University orders


The students of other Universities and Boards of Secondary/ Higher Secondary Education (Except State Boards like VHSC, Plus Two) who joins any University should produce Migration Certificate issued by the concerned Universities and Boards. University has exempted the students of Higher Secondary course (+2), Vocation Higher Secondary Education Course and Technical Higher Secondary Education Course of Govt. of Kerala from producing Migration Certificate and getting individual recognition order.


The students of other Universities and Boards who join any University should submit the application in the prescribed form with Migration Certificate, General form, Matriculation fee receipt and chalan receipt for prescribed fee before the University through the Principal. Application for Matriculation should reach the University Office within one month from the date of admission without fail.


Applicants from outside the state have to get Eligibility Certificate from the University to join any course


1. A meeting of the students of the concerned tutorial group may be convened by the group tutor, preferably in the lunch interval.
2. Students may be given information about the objectives, need, importance etc. of the tutorial system.
3. A proforma of the tutorial may be distributed to the students. They may be asked to submit the filled up proforma to the concerned tutor.
4. Students under a tutor may be divided into difference groups, when the number of students is more. Such groups may have five or six members only. Each group may be directed to meet the group tutor on a particular day of every week (preferably at the lunch break)
5. Attendance of the students in the tutorial group may be marked in the books provided for tutorial. A weekly report about the progress of tutorial work should be submitted to the Principal.
6. Each group under a tutor will meet the tutor at least once in a week.
7. The tutor is expected to communicate with the students under him/her in a very cordial and friendly way and discuss the problems face by his/her wards in their personal life, studies, etc.

A very successful interaction in the tutorial system will instill confidence in the students and help the development of their personality. Many problems faced by the students can be sorted out with the help of the tutor. A successful tutor will both be a guide and mentor to their wards. Students will have not hesitation in discussing the problems faced by them with their tutors and thereby a very cordial and friendly relationship between the teachers and students will be established in the campus.


The college Magazine will be published once in a year during course of academic year.

The Editor:- The Editor of the College Magazine will be elected directly by and from among the students of the College. No student of the final year class of a particular course will be eligible for election as the Editor of the College Magazine. There will be an Editorial Board and the Editorial board shall consist of:
1) Principal
2) The Student Editor (Convener)
3) The Chairman of the College Union
4) The General Secretary of the College Union
5) Three student members will be nominated by the Executive Committee
6) Staff Editor (One staff member nominated by the Principal)
Copies of the Magazine will be distributed to all students and members of the staff. Copies will
also ordinarily be sent to all other Colleges in the State. The Staff Editor will be the sole responsible for all cash transactions connected with the College Magazine.

Regulations, Scheme and Syllabus