Scholarships 2023-24

Scholarships and free ships Provided by the Government during the year 2023-24

Name of Scheme Number of Students Benefited by Government Scheme and Amount
Number of Students Amount
1. Prof. Joseph Mundasseri Scholarship 9
2. Snehapoorvam 3
3. Suvarna Jubilee Scholarship 1
4. C H Muhammed Koya Scholarship UG -5, PG-7
5. Blind/PH Scholarship 1
6. State Merit Scholarship UG-16, PG-3
7. NSP-PG Indira Gandhi Scholarship 2
8. NSP-National Scholarship for Post Graduate Studies 2
9. NSP – Central Sector Scholarship UG-18, PG-0
10. Bhinnaseshy Souhrida Scholarship 3
11. Fisheries Scholarship 30
12. Vidya Samunnathi Scholarship UG-5, PG-3
13. Higher Education Scholarship Ist UG-10, IInd UG-2, III UG-3
14. E-Grantz

Ist UG-221, IInd UG-223, III UG-234

Ist PG-34, IInd PG-43